About the Project

The project examines the non-consensual distribution or sharing of intimate or sexually explicit digital images of adults, colloquially known as “Revenge porn” (Revenge pornography), focusing on its nature and impacts, as well as implications for Italian legal responses. It is, however, a highly misleading expression, which has many stigmatising implications towards the victim of the diffusion of the images and it would be better, therefore, not to use it. The new phenomenon of Non-consensual pornography shows the difficulties in the law trying to keep up with constantly evolving information technologies, in particular the areas related to social networks. Thus, it raises multi-faceted issues and present many challenges for law enforcement agencies, police, prosecutors, judges, scholars and, lastly, community.

More details on this project.

The Team


  • Associazione Gea – per la solidarietà femminile contro la violenza
  • Cambridge Centre of Criminal Justice – Cambridge University
  • Centro antiviolenza per donne in situazione di abuso (Trento)
  • Compartimento Polizia postale del Trentino Alto Adige
  • Euregio Platform on Human Dignity and Human Rights (Akademie deutsch-italienischer Studien Meran)
  • Flinders University (Australia)
  • University of Innsbruck